Feis Levels:

First Feis – Dancers who are competing for the first time. They will typically dance the “Light Jig” and “Reel”

Beginner 1 – Dancers who have already competed in First Feis. They will dance the Light Jig, Reel and Slip Jig. Dancers may stay in this level up to one year before advancing to Beginner 2.

Beginner 2 – In addition to their 3 soft shoe dances, they will now have the opportunity to compete their hard shoe dances (traditional Treble Jig and Hornpipe). They must place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in each dance to advance to Novice.

Novice – Dancers who have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in Beginner 2. Dancers will compete all of their soft and hard shoe dances and must place 1st in each of the to advance to Prizewinner.

Prizewinner – Dancers who have placed 1st in Novice. Dancers will compete in all of their soft and hard shoe dances and must place 1st in each of them to advance to PC.

Preliminary Championship (PC) – Dancers who have placed 1st in Prizewinner. Dancers will compete 3 steps of one soft shoe dance, 3 steps of one hard shoe dance, and at some feiseanna, a set dance (check the syllabus). Dancers must place 1st overall twice to advance to Championship.

Championship (OC) – Dancers who have placed 1st overall twice in PC. Dancers will compete 3 steps of soft shoe, 3 steps of hard shoe and a set dance. This is the highest level of competition.

*If you place out of a level, you have the option to move up at your next feis or wait until January of the following year. Always ask your teacher before changing levels.

Feis Numbering System:

1st Digit = Level

First feis = 1  Beginner 1 = 2  Beginner 2 = 3  Novice = 4  Prizewinner = 5  PC = 6  Championship =7

2nd Digit = Age group

Your dancer’s age group is determined by how old they were on January 1st of that year. If your dancer was 7 on Jan 1st, they will compete in the under 8 age group for that entire year (een after their birthday passes). Every January, your dancer will move up to the next age group.

3rd digit (letters) = Dance

LJ = Light Jig  RL = Reel  SJ = Slip Jig  TJ = Treble Jig  HP = Hornpipe  TS = Traditional Set  SD = Set Dance

Example: If your dancer is in the under 8 age group dancing Light Jig and Reel at their first feis, they will compete in 108LJ and 108RL

Feis Notes:

About one week prior to a feis, the stage schedule will be posted online. This will tell you the start time, order of competitions, and which stage your dancer will be on.

When you arrive at the feis, you will check in and get your competitor number. Your dancer should put the number onto the front of their feis attire so it is visible for the judges to see.

After you’re done dancing, results will either be posted on a board at the feis or online. There will be an area to collect your medals and comments (if offered) If you are in PC or Championship, your results will be announced in the awards area.

For more answers to more feis questions, check out our Feis FAQs.